i got nothing…

July 18, 2009


I seriously need to get out and do a personal shoot! Trying to find pictures to post on this bloody thing is getting harder and harder. The truth is I’m actually shooting more than ever, but it’s all work, which isn’t really the purpose of this blog.

One might ask what the purpose of this blog is. And it would be a hell of a question. But maybe for another time.

I’m tired. Real tired. All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep straight for two days. And I will, just not yet.

Speaking of sleeping for two straight day, I wanted give you the heads up about a couple things that wont make you fall asleep! One, there’s this photo walk thing going on in Vancouver tonight that I’m helping out with. David DuChemin of Pixelated Image and Dave Delnea are hosting it. To be perfectly honest, I have no bloody idea what this thing is. Something about photography and walking. But, I love it. Creative Community and all that. Here, go read THIS or, if you fancy a go, maybe THIS if you wanna know why I’m so tickled by the creative community.

ANYWAY, I’m not looking forward to going for this ‘walk’, per se, cause I’m exhausted ya. But I’m stoked to meet some people, talk photography.

Secondly, I wanted to shamelessly promote my aforementioned friend and mentor, Dave Delnea and his brand new Blog! I’m just proud as a peacock he finally got this up and running. And as I suspected, it’s possibly the sexiest thing ever to grace the interweb. If you appreciate stunning photography, or think you might like to one day, you gotta check it out.

Allright, that photowalk thing I mentioned? Ya, now I’m going to be late for it thanks to this post. The ‘Dave’s’ are not going to happy if they have to carry thier own gear! (I Joke)

Love Always


checking for updates

June 8, 2009

I took a vacation from blogging for those of you who might have noticed. It boils down to a lack of inspiration. My camera was breaking down, and my spirits with it. As a result, I haven’t been shooting much, and the point of this blog in part is to show what I’ve been working on lately.

Also, I feel like I need to reassess my relationship with the web. Honestly, it can be a real timeĀ  waste you know? I’d rather be, taking pictures, instead of twittering, for an example.

If you want to know the truth, this whole web 2.0 business is overated in my opinion. I know some of you out there are going to straight up murder me for saying this, but its true. It’s a fad. MSN Messenger became myspace, became Facebook, which spawned Twitter, which will beget something else. Yes, they are good networking tools. But as my friend Dave say’s, coffee, sushi, and beer are networking tools as well. Probably better ones, more meaningful ones. Or at least more enjoyable ones.

Seriously, people should just do what they do, you know? If you’re spending more than an hour a day twittering, or blogging or whatever, you’re spending too much time away from whatever it is you actually do. Now, I guess if you dont really like what you do it’s a brilliant distraction. Me, I like pictures. So, I’m done here for today, and guess what? I’m going shooting!

And I love it.

Love Always





ps: everyone say Hi to my new camera, Nikon D. Sevenhundred. Sorry Canon, it was good while it lasted. I Love you, I’m just not in love with you.


April 7, 2009

Two years ago I got to travel around Europe for a semester and get school credit for it (lets hear it for Bible College!) I had technically been to Europe before, but I don’t really think traveling counts until you’re old enough to remember you were there. I was born In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia cause my dad was working in the hospital there. His job allowed us to travel a lot, which we did. I think my sister had gone through her first passport by the time she was 2. Or something. I’m foggy on the details, but I’m told we went every where. At a young age, traveling got in my blood. Ironically, because of traveling, Malaria parasites got in my blood as well. It’s a party in there.

I loved Europe, but I hated that it was a ‘school trip’. I love traveling by myself, or with a good friend. I love butchering my way through foreign languages, getting lost and eating bugs. Traveling just puts your life in a pressure cooker. It exposes you to new cultures, new experiences and new stories.

Tony, Dave and I were swapping travel stories over coffee this morning. Most of them involved getting mugged, attacked by rabid dogs, or contracting some tropical illness. They are the sort of stories you tell around a roaring fire, while passing a bottle of cheap scotch around. And it’s a beautiful thing. Traveling makes me feel alive, as opposed to just living.

I ended up spending half of yesterday plotting out what is sure to be the greatest Honeymoon ever. At first, I drew out potential Euro-Rail trips on an over sized map of Europe. But it quickly started looking like the next episode of the Amazing Race, which might not be the best for a Honeymoon. I turned to Greece, specifically The Greek Islands, and the dream was born…

A White washed, rustic apartment with grapevines growing up the balcony, which over looks the majestic Aegean sea…

Two, baby blue, rented Vespa’s ripping through the cobblestone streets of a quaint town before setting off for some inland exploration…




Oh God

So, I’m just giddy with excitement at the prospect of planning a trip. Expect a few posts about this. If you have ever been to Greece and have some pointers or ‘must see’s’ please, send them my way. It seems like it would be an amazing place for photography. It might be hard to make photography take a backseat to the honeymoon… but that’s my challenge.

Some shots from my last trip to Europe

1. Telescope on the Eiffel Tower, Paris

2. Doc on a lake at Taize, Southern France

3. Thousands of handmade butterflies strung from a Cathedral at the Iona Community, Scotland.


I feel bad, I technically didn’t blog yesterday. It’s one in the morning, so I guess I’m blogging on the sabbath. I think that’s OK. WWJB?

I’m loosing sleep over what to do about this job. I have to be honest, I’m surprised there are so many people who think I should take the job. Did I mention it would make me miserable? Maybe I left that part out. Maybe happiness is overrated? Lets have a vote on that!

I’ve never really had much money you know. Nothing to speak of anyway. It’s really not that bad. Maybe I’m being idealistic, but I think I could do it. Dave Delnea told me that the photography Gods are testing me. I think he’s right.

I just love photography. Something about it just does it for me. You know how you say you ‘take’ a picture? I feel like Indiana Jones! Like I’m stealing back a piece of existence that would otherwise be forgotten about in The Temple of Doom!!

There’s a line from a Switchfoot song that has meant a lot to me. “This is your life. Are you who you want to be?” It’s simple, and its convicting. I always think about it when I know I’m not being the man I want to be. The beautiful thing is that all we have to do is choose to start being the person we want to be. The person we are meant to be.
