checking for updates

June 8, 2009

I took a vacation from blogging for those of you who might have noticed. It boils down to a lack of inspiration. My camera was breaking down, and my spirits with it. As a result, I haven’t been shooting much, and the point of this blog in part is to show what I’ve been working on lately.

Also, I feel like I need to reassess my relationship with the web. Honestly, it can be a real timeĀ  waste you know? I’d rather be, taking pictures, instead of twittering, for an example.

If you want to know the truth, this whole web 2.0 business is overated in my opinion. I know some of you out there are going to straight up murder me for saying this, but its true. It’s a fad. MSN Messenger became myspace, became Facebook, which spawned Twitter, which will beget something else. Yes, they are good networking tools. But as my friend Dave say’s, coffee, sushi, and beer are networking tools as well. Probably better ones, more meaningful ones. Or at least more enjoyable ones.

Seriously, people should just do what they do, you know? If you’re spending more than an hour a day twittering, or blogging or whatever, you’re spending too much time away from whatever it is you actually do. Now, I guess if you dont really like what you do it’s a brilliant distraction. Me, I like pictures. So, I’m done here for today, and guess what? I’m going shooting!

And I love it.

Love Always





ps: everyone say Hi to my new camera, Nikon D. Sevenhundred. Sorry Canon, it was good while it lasted. I Love you, I’m just not in love with you.