Oh hey there. Happy New Year! And it is a new year, brand new in fact. And I love it.

Personally, I rang in the new year with some good friends, great food, and a Mustache. What more could you ask for?

Naturally, I had to immortalize the the stache in a self portrait the next day. Taken in my swanky new home studio, which is amazing I’ll have you know.

Which brings me to my next point. I really love portraits. I’ve been realizing this lately. So, over the next few months, I’m going to dive into the deep end of portraits. Still figuring out what that even means… So look out for that!

These shots have a crazy ISO, like 3200 or something (Which the Nikon D700 pulls off beautifully!), shot wide open with a 50mm and 1 Studio Light bounced off a white wall behind the camera. I’m more interested in experimenting with these portraits than trying to do them ‘the right’ way. So I plan on failing from time to time.

You may not see those pictures….

But I love it. I’m looking forward to just goofing off, having fun, and being creative in this new home studio. Oh, and by the way, if anyone ever wants to drop in and have some fun getting their picture taken, drop me a line!

That’s all for now. We’ll talk more later.


ps: I no longer have the mustache, and am not as creepy as I look here… or as classy, depending on how you feel about mustaches 🙂




Today is a great day! The sun is shining, the internet’s back at JJ Bean, and I get to work while grooving on some sweet 70’s music. Life is good.

I took a bit of a break last night from editing and shooting. I realize I kind of went off the deep end for a few days there. It’s been a non-stop photo binge.

And I love it.

But seriously, I was neglecting other things in my life, which is no bueno.

no bueno.

I just got the Spanish spell check on that one courtesy of Alyse Kotyk. What a smart girl.

The above images are among some that I shot on the first day of having my new Nikon D700. I love the light that was going on that night. Apparently, we’ve been having some forest fires in northern BC.

Which, of course, is no bueno

However, the silver lining is that all that smoke has been drifting down into vancouver lately making for some awesome light around sunset.

Raging forest fire… slightly better light for pictures.

nature has a way of balencing things out.

Speaking of which, I’m out.

Love Always


checking for updates

June 8, 2009

I took a vacation from blogging for those of you who might have noticed. It boils down to a lack of inspiration. My camera was breaking down, and my spirits with it. As a result, I haven’t been shooting much, and the point of this blog in part is to show what I’ve been working on lately.

Also, I feel like I need to reassess my relationship with the web. Honestly, it can be a real time  waste you know? I’d rather be, taking pictures, instead of twittering, for an example.

If you want to know the truth, this whole web 2.0 business is overated in my opinion. I know some of you out there are going to straight up murder me for saying this, but its true. It’s a fad. MSN Messenger became myspace, became Facebook, which spawned Twitter, which will beget something else. Yes, they are good networking tools. But as my friend Dave say’s, coffee, sushi, and beer are networking tools as well. Probably better ones, more meaningful ones. Or at least more enjoyable ones.

Seriously, people should just do what they do, you know? If you’re spending more than an hour a day twittering, or blogging or whatever, you’re spending too much time away from whatever it is you actually do. Now, I guess if you dont really like what you do it’s a brilliant distraction. Me, I like pictures. So, I’m done here for today, and guess what? I’m going shooting!

And I love it.

Love Always





ps: everyone say Hi to my new camera, Nikon D. Sevenhundred. Sorry Canon, it was good while it lasted. I Love you, I’m just not in love with you.

I have a dilemma. I have just been offered a job that is as unrelated to photography as it gets. In a past life I used to install sprinkler systems in people’s lawns and gardens. It was a summer job that helped put me through college. It was really great as far as summer jobs go. I got a sweet tan, stayed in shape, and after the first couple years, I got a handful of labourers I got to harass and boss around. Life was good. I haven’t really done it for almost 2 years now, but my old boss called me in for a meeting and made me an offer. A good offer. Good money kind of offer. The kind that puts me in a…


I just got my website up and have been gearing up to go full tilt with the photography. Not to mention my new found love affair with blogging. I don’t even care if no one is reading, I just can’t get enough of this! Anyway, If I took said job, it would throw a serious wrench in the spokes of my photographic endeavors. On the other hand, it would provide me with enough money to live (I’m sold!), plus pay off some looming debt, AND I could finally get that D700/new iMac I’ve been dreaming of. In other words, It could create the capital one would want to have when starting out a business.

So what’s better? Take the job and push pause on photography for a year while acquiring all the gear I could ever want? Or say no to the man and continue with photography while waving goodbye to my immaculate credit? I have decided to do whatever my readers (or reader… hi Mom) tells me to do. So please… what do I do?

Oh ya, and the rat (or Rat King for all you 30 Rock watchers out there) that lives in my attic sometimes is back. I hear him while grilling steaks and listening to Indie music. Ok, I was making a pasta and listening to Coldplay…. farmer sausage, stale bread, and Sarah McLachlan. And yes, I ate it while watching the latest Futurama Movie for the third time!

A couple shots from my trip to Europe.
